This is the privacy policy of EPL International Pty Ltd (ACN 104 153 700) and its related companies (EPL).

This policy applies to all personal information received by EPL. Personal information means information or opinion about an identified (or reasonably identifiable) individual.

By providing personal information to EPL in any way (verbal, written, or electronic), or accessing EPL’s website or services, you acknowledge that you have read this privacy policy, understood it, and agree to its terms. If you do not accept the terms of this policy please do not provide personal information to EPL or access its website or services.

EPL’s website may contain links to third party websites, materials, products, services or activities. EPL is not responsible for the content, privacy practices, or policies of such third parties. You should read such content and policies carefully before providing any personal information to these third parties (which you may do at your own risk).

How personal information is collected or received

Personal information may be collected or received from you by EPL in different forms (e.g. in hard copy, by email or other electronic communication, or verbally over the phone or in person) and in various ways whenever you interact or transact with EPL including:

  • when you order or request to receive services from EPL, including tracking and other services available online (Digital Services);
  • when you seek to provide services to EPL or transact with EPL (as a supplier, contractor, consultant, agent, or other);
  • when you apply for a job with EPL;
  • when you submit an application, form, request, enquiry, or complaint to EPL;
  • when you provide data, documents, or instructions to EPL;
  • when you visit or use EPL’s website.

You agree that EPL may also obtain information about you from:

  • Anyone acting for you or on your behalf including family members, service providers, consultants, representatives, agents, and others;
  • Publicly available sources, information services providers, credit reporting agencies;
  • Third parties who are or were in contact with you in relation to the services to be provided;
  • Third parties you permitted or authorised EPL to obtain information from;
  • EPL’s services providers (contractors, suppliers, agents) and partners; and
  • EPL’s related entities, including parent and sister companies and subsidiaries.

EPL may also collect information by other means and will take all reasonable steps to inform you if and when it does do so.

What personal information is collected or received

Examples of personal information that may be collected or received by EPL include:

Customer Information: information you provide for the purpose of, or in the course of, receiving services from EPL or accessing Digital Services, including your name, ABN, postal address, email address, phone and fax number, and information related to the services provided (such as nature, time and location).

Supplier Information: information you provide for the purpose of, or in the course of, providing services to EPL or transacting with EPL as a supplier, contractor, consultant, agent or other), including your name, ABN, postal address, email address, phone and fax number, and information related to the services provided (such as nature, time and location).

Financial Information can include trading or financial information provided by you to establish a credit account, details of payments for services provided, billing address, bank account details, payment facility details (including information related to cheques, money orders, letter of credit, and credit card).

Digital activity related Information:  EPL may receive or collect information produced during or in relation to your activities on EPL’s website or when using EPL’s Digital Services, including the content you access or create, web pages you visit, the time, date and login information of your activities (including browser type and language), the location of the communication device and its internet protocol (IP) address (including phone number used and associated carrier).

Cookies information: When you access EPL’s website or Digital Services, through any communication device, a small data file called cookie may be stored on that device. The cookie enables EPL to improve the quality of service provided to you, for example by making it easier for you to login again or by tracking your preferences and personalising the services offered to you. You can block or remove cookies via your browser settings but this may impact on your use of the website or Digital Services.

Third Party Information: EPL may receive from third parties you interacted with, or received services from, information relating to your communications, activities, or transactions with them. Such third parties may include service providers of EPL (contractors, agents, credit reporting agencies, recruiters) and companies related to EPL.

Job Applicants Information: information provided by job applicants or recruiters including in job applications and accompanying communications, resumes, EPL Employee Application forms and police checks done by applicants.

CCTV Footage produced by security cameras installed at EPL’s offices and warehouses.

You should not provide to EPL personal information about someone else unless you have first obtained their consent to provide such information based on this Privacy Policy.

Use and Disclosure of personal information

Primary Purposes

Personal Information received and collected by EPL may be used, or disclosed, subject to any applicable law, for the following purposes (Primary Purposes):

  • To verify your identity;
  • To assess or process any request or application submitted by you, including a job application;
  • To assess, provide, administer, manage, monitor, review or improve services you have requested to receive, are receiving, or have received from EPL;
  • To assess, administer, monitor, review, or improve services you have agreed to provide, are providing, or have provided to EPL;
  • To enable third parties (in Australia and overseas) to provide to you products or services you have requested or receive from you products or services you have agreed to provide;
  • To personalise, customise, or improve services or products offered to you (directly or through third parties) and your use of EPL’s website and any Digital Services;
  • To provide to you from time to time offers or updates in relation to products, services, or benefits that may be of interest to you (including direct marketing materials) unless you indicate that you do not wish to receive such communications;
  • To provide, develop, maintain, monitor, measure, protect and improve EPL’s services in general;
  • To facilitate marketing and promotional activities;
  • To handle any complaint or respond to any feedback received from you or others;
  • To ensure compliance with, detect, or investigate or address a breach of, this privacy policy, EPL’s website terms or terms of service, or any applicable law;
  • To protect, defend, or enforce the rights, property, or safety of EPL or third parties (including defending EPL against potential or existing legal claims);
  • In connection with the sale or transfer of shares or assets of EPL;
  • For any purpose you agree to;
  • For any purpose related to the above purposes that can reasonably be expected by you.

You have no obligation to provide personal information to EPL but if you choose not to provide certain information it may prevent, limit, or affect EPL’s ability to provide services to you, receive services from you, process an application or form submitted by you, or address a complaint lodged by you.

Direct Marketing

Occasionally EPL may use or disclose your personal information to communicate to you special offers and promotions relating to products, services, or benefits which EPL believes may be of interest to you. Such direct marketing communications may be verbal (by phone) or written (by email, text, or via the Digital Services). You can request EPL not to send you such communications by using any opt-out method outlined in these communications or by contacting EPL at any time (see Contact details at the end of this policy).

Disclosure or transfer of personal information

EPL may use or disclose to third parties your personal information if and as needed for:

  • the Primary Purposes;
  • purposes related to the Primary Purposes that you would reasonably expect;
  • any other purpose you agree to; or
  • as permitted or required by law.

Third parties to whom EPL may disclose personal information include, without limitation:

  • Entities that are, or become, affiliated with EPL such as parent or sister companies, subsidiaries, or entities acquiring control of EPL or merging with EPL;
  • Law enforcement, government, and regulatory agencies (such as customs and quarantine agencies), and anyone instructed by them;
  • Your authorised representatives and advisors if requested by you;
  • Third parties you or EPL have contacted in relation to the services to be provided to you or by you;
  • EPL’s agents, contractors, service providers, or advisors who are acting for or on behalf of EPL in Australia and overseas in connection with the Primary Purposes, including without limitation:
    • Customs agents;
    • Transport, storage and warehousing service providers;
    • Credit reporting agencies;
    • Debt collectors;
    • Marketing and customer service  providers;
    • Providers of ICT services including servers, storage, routing and website related services;
    • Recruiters; and
    • Lawyers, accountants, tax advisors, and professional advisors.

EPL may retain your personal information for as long as it is needed for any of the Primary Purposes or any other permitted purpose.

Transfer to overseas recipients

Some of the entities mentioned above which may receive, use, or access the personal information may be located overseas including in Israel, New Zealand, the Indian sub-continent, Africa, China and South East Asia.

If required by law EPL will take reasonable steps to ensure that the receiving third parties are committed to protect personal information through applicable privacy and confidentiality obligations.

Protecting personal information

EPL is committed to the protection of personal information and has put in place various security measures (physical, electronic and procedural) to secure the personal information held by EPL and protect it from unauthorised access, disclosure, or use.

While such measures reduce the risk of security breaches no method of transmitting or storing data provides absolute or perfect protection. EPL cannot guarantee that personal information will never be accessed, used, or released in a manner that is inconsistent with this policy. To the fullest extent permitted by law, EPL will not be responsible for any such unauthorised access or use or its consequences.

To protect the security and privacy of your personal information you must safeguard any username or password you may have been assigned with in connection with accessing or using the website or Digital Services (“User Details”). You must keep such User Details strictly confidential and not allow anyone to access them and/or use them. You are fully responsible for all activities which occur under your User Details including any security breaches or privacy violations.

Please contact EPL without delay to inform it of any security concerns you have, or violations you become aware of, including any unauthorised use of your User Details (see Contact details at the end of this policy).

How to access or correct personal information

You may contact us at any time and request to access or correct any personal information EPL holds about you (using the Contact details at the end of this policy). EPL will need to verify your identity, may ask for further details before processing your request, and may charge you a fee to cover the reasonable administrative costs involved.

EPL may refuse your request to access or correct personal information in certain circumstances permitted by law. In such case EPL will notify you in writing of the reasons for the refusal and advise you of any complaint mechanisms available.

EPL may retain a copy of any personal information before and after any changes, updates, or deletions to it for internal back up, administration, compliance, enforcement, protection and defence purposes. You can ask EPL to notify any correction made to any entity which the information has previously been disclosed to.

Policy variation and enforcement

EPL may vary all or part of this privacy policy at any time by displaying the updated policy here. A copy of the policy can be provided upon request.

No failure or delay by EPL in exercising any right, power, or remedy conferred by this policy will operate as a waiver of or otherwise prevent the exercise of the right, power, or remedy.

If any provision of this privacy policy is held to be invalid or unenforceable, in any jurisdiction, this will not affect the validity and enforceability of the other policy provisions in that jurisdiction and of that provision in other jurisdictions.

Contact Us

If you wish to access or correct personal information EPL holds about you or if have a question, enquiry, concern, complaint, or any feedback in relation to any matter concerning EPL’s privacy policy or its implementation, please contact EPL’s Privacy officer by post or phone at:

Post:  PO Box 621 Botany NSW 1455 

Phone:  + 61 2 9666 0100

EPL will endeavor to deal with any complaint within 30 days of duly receiving it. If further information or investigation is required to resolve your complaint we will advise you of what is required and will keep you updated as to the progress of the investigation and the expected time for response.

You can also obtain information at the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s website at
